
DOGS in the CITY®

Nicole Meins
Neumann-Reichardt-Straße 27-33
22041 Hamburg

Registered office of the company:
Mansteinstraße 7, 20253 Hamburg
[Administration, no store]

  +49 40 65390828
  +49 40 65390910

VAT identification number: DE814450162

Responsible person in the sense of § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: 
Nicole Meins, Mansteinstraße 7, 20253 Hamburg.

Responsible supervisory authority for the provision of audiovisual media services:
Medienanstalt Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH), Rathausallee 72-76, 22846 Norderstedt

Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:
The Seller is neither obliged nor prepared to attend a dispute settlement procedure before an alternative dispute resolution entity.

Returns Address
DOGS in the CITY
Neumann-Reichardtstraße 27-33, Haus 16
22041 Hamburg


Consultation & Stock sale
Please note that the addresses given are not retail stores. We sell our exclusive dog beds and pillows in our online shop and in selected specialist shops. 
After making an appointment, we will be happy to arrange an appointment with you and your dog in our warehouse at  Neumann-Reichardtstraße 27-33, Haus 16, 22041 Hamburg, Germany, where you can view and test all our products at your leisure. We look forward to seeing you Monday to Friday in the time from 09:00 o'clock to 14:00 o'clock and advise you here gladly locally. Please feel free to give us a call +49 40 65390828 or send us an email to

© 2006-2024 DOGS in the CITY® | Nicole Meins. All rights reserved
All contents, in particular texts, photographs and graphics are protected by copyright. All rights, including reproduction, publication, editing and translation, unless expressly indicated otherwise, are reserved. Any use of images, texts or parts of texts in printed form or in online publications requires the prior written consent of DOGS in the CITY® | Nicole Meins.

Images or footage (where applicable) used under license from